Monday, February 16, 2009

More Stuff ...

Ok, so it has been over a month since I blogged last, I need to try and do this more often. Well a lot has happened in the last month. Kamilo has not been growing as fast, luckily he is at a stand still at 12-18 month clothes. I think he is still weighing in at 26 pounds. He now says Hola Mamma, Hola Pappa, Hey, Habla, Blah blah blah and Ba Ba. Then the phrases I here are I want Mamma and I love you. I am sure these are just a mothers love thinking that is what he is trying to say. :) He tries really hard to talk! When you tell him no, he looks at you at says HEY! Then grunts and does it again until you redirect him. He is AMAZING and we love this active boy very much.

Kamilo will now cruise around on the furniture, he does go from furniture item to furniture item with no help. The problem is he reaches and sort of jumps for it, which involves many falls. He is a stong boy, when he falls he does not cry unless he really hurts himself. This is always sad when he cries, he likes to call for Mamma when he hurts himself. He can walk while holding a single hand from Mom and Dad, the second we let go of his hand ...he falls. Kamilo thinks it is fun to hold onto the couch or the railing of his crib, let go smile and Fall Backwards!OHHH BOY! I am going to be so scared once he starts walking! He is very adventurous! I also have to say he falls with grace "Normally" he will land softly onto his bottom, he definately knows how to fall without too much damage. He loves to explore, he is not afraid to run off on his own. It is very scary because one time Eddie was telling me that he could not find Kamilo. When he found him, he had crawled into his bedroom closed the door, went into his closet and was playing the guitar. Eddie only knew where to look becuase of hearing the guitars sounds. This all happened in under a minute! Kamilo loves music! He prefers orchestra music! He likes to play his piano, and even enjoys strumming the guitar. It is so adorable when I come home from work! He will ALWAYS greet me with a big smile and arms up. I pick him up and he grabs me by the ears and with a lound GRUNT he kisses me with a big open mouth right on my lips! I just love my baby boy! Kamilo now has two bottom teeth! He loves to eat cherrios, oranges, beans, gerber puffs, Broccoli, and all types of baby food. He eats three times a day with baby food with snacks inbetween. He still wakes up almost every four hours on the button for a feeding of 6 ounces. Eddie and I tried weening him down to 4 ounces but then he woke up every two hours. After a couple nights of that we decided to go back to 6 ounces. He does still sleep in bed with us, we start off by putting him in his bed he will last until 1am sometimes. Then he wakes up and sleep right between Eddie and I. We normally wake up again at 5am for a feeding, I ussually make the bottle and Eddie feeds Kamilo the bottle then he falls back asleep in Eddie's arms almost instantly after the bottle is done. Then he will wake up again around 7am when I wake up to get ready for work. He normally wakes up because he is literally sleeping on me Cheek to cheek. This morning when I woke I think he was sleeping completely on on top of my face. His mouth was almost on my mouth, his cheek on my forehead. It was humorous while I Eddie was trying to help me get him off of me. Eddie had a hard time becuase Kamilo had decided at that point to wrap his arms around my neck because he did not want daddy to take him away. This was all while he continued to sleep! Alan had been doing magnificently! When he came to live with us he was barely reading at second grade level. Just last week when he was tested he was at a 6th grade level. He is doing it all on his own! At first he struggled and needed my help but after less than a month in school on a regular basis his homework is already finished before I get home from work! I am very proud of him! It make me sad that he still goes hom to Tijuana every Friday to visit with his mom and his other brother, I don't know why I am so jealous of his need/want to visit his mom every weekend. But then again if it was Kamilo having to go back and forth it would be a different story. I just wish that Alan thought of me as more of a mother image. Valentines day is special for Eddie and I, not because of the Holiday but because it marks our anniversary of when Eddie and I had our first kiss and decided to start dating. This year marked the 3rd year that we have been together. When I got home from work Eddie had beautiful roses sitting atop our dining room table and a brand new pair of shoes for me, that he had picked out on his own. What a nice surprise! Not bad considering he is a stay at home dad, and is still adjusting to the wonders of taking care of a baby and household all by himself! Well one of the things that Eddie likes to do with Kamilo during thier time together is go to Balboa Park and watch the glass blowers in the Spanish Villiage. As a surpise for Eddie I purchased him a two hour glass blowing class! The class actually took place on Valentines day! In the two hours Eddie was able to make a paper weight and a drinking glass. Eddie was so excited and happy about this Valentines day surprise!