Monday, March 30, 2009

Kamilo at 10 Months ...Walking, Laughing, and Curls!

I can officially say that Kamilo is now walking! It has been a long 4 month process but he now has the skill to walk across the living room. He does fall quite often, but as long as he stays calm and does not get to excited he can make it across a room! It is very sad because I will be in the Kitchen and look around for Kamilo, he will be walking across the dining room, I get excited and start cheering, he gets excited because I am cheering for him and then he falls on his bottom!

Two days before Kamilo turned 6 months, he started to crawl. Two days later Kamilo has been standing up on the side of the couch without help. He also started pulling himself up in his crib and cruising along the crib railing. Kamilo got more experienced at the cruising from furniture item to furniture item in the living room and greatly mastered the skill of crawling by 7 months. We all thought he would be a walker by 8 months but nope he was happy just crawling and cruising. We have video of Kamilo taking about 3 steps just before he turned 9 months … but I think the max number of steps Kamilo took was tens steps and he looked like a little drunk man walking with Mommy or Daddy right above him just to catch him when he topples. The week before Kamilo turned 10 months he was growing more and more confident, the spaces between the couches got farther and farther apart and we would catch him standing in middle of the living room standing up chewing on a toy. The Friday (2 days) before Kamilo turned 10 months, we noticed the he was walking without looking for the next object to grab onto. On Kamilo’s 10 month birthday he was walking all over the house taking strides to go to the next room on his own without the furniture! This is such an amazing time in our little boys life, to watch his confidence grow and see the smile on his face of how proud he is that he is walking. He gets so excited all giggles and laughs when he makes it to his determined destination.

Not only is Kamilo’s personality taking its form, his features are becoming more defined. People are commenting that Kamilo looks more European then Mexican (Eddie) or whatever I am (Portuguese, Irish, ect ect.)! He has beautiful long eyelashes, and curly reddish brown hair. I feel as if the curls just appeared overnight one night! One day Kamilo barely had any hair, and then the next day he was sporting a backside of curls!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Kamilo at 9 months

I think I want to start every blog out with the words WOW!! It is such a mystery on raising a child. It is hard work, and there is such a large variet of feelings and emotions involved! you have your moments where you are so tired you want to cry and you have your moments that you want to cry becuase of how much pain your baby must be in! Then you have the moments where you get butterflies in your stomach becuase you never thought you could love someone so much! And yes again those feelings make you want to cry! It is almost like reliving the day Eddie and I got married over and over again! At that moment in my life I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love Eddie, then came Kamilo! 9 months ago this baby boy was bumping around in my belly and today he is ... EVERYTHING! With Eddie, Kamilo and Alan in my life the world seems to have gone into a warp zone! Some times it goes by so fast and other times it stands still and I feel as if I am frozen in time holding my baby boy in my arms or kissing my wonderful husband.

This past week has been so hard on Eddie and I, Kamilo came down with his very first Stomach Virus on Sunday night! It was a horrible time, he just cried and cried and could not stop using the restroom, his fever even spiked up to 102.3 at what time! Then he would not eat for almost 2 days .. I think he lost 2 pounds .. and after two trips to the doctor and one midnight phone call, he is a little better. But .. he now got a cold from a boy in the doctors office! His throat is sore and he is sooo still not feeling good after a week. We also believe a couple top teeth are coming in because everytime he bites down on anything he cringes. He just cries and tears are in his eyes and all I can do is hold him and hum in his ear his favorite song. Then he calms and sleeps and sleeps restlessly. My poor baby boy! I think the most difficult part of motherhood is watching your child be in pain and not knowing what to do or what is hurting him!