I have decided to try and post something at least once a week! Mainly because Kamilo of course is doing some very cute things tonight ..Like right now he is sitting with Eddie and repeating tones....Eddie says he he he ..Kamilo repeats it in the same tone (sort of) and the same Rhythm.....So darn adorable ...
Ok ...update on Kamilo time!! He is 21 Pounds ..no teeth fully out yet! (His two bottom ones are peeking through!..Wears a size 4 shoe ..and is 27 inches tall..
So on Saturday we went to the park...On Sunday Kamilo decided to clap for us! And then Monday when I left for work....Kamilo waved goodbye to me...Fully knowing that he was saying bye bye (In the past he was clearly mimicking!) Ahhhh the things that can bring tears to a mothers eyes!
Kamilo is growing so fast ..it is hard to keep up. This weekend Eddie and I took Kamilo to Fiesta Island, there is a park down there that we use to take Alan, Kylie, and Tristan to all the time! Well this weekend was the first time with Kamilo. We had a lot of fun! It is really nice now that Kamilo can enjoy going to the park! My favorite part was the sand! He was so intrigued by the sand!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Day at the Park! and Misc. Milestones!
Posted by Leatha at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Wow ...it has been very crazy since Kamilo started crawling at 5 months..just two days after he took off crawling, he started standing up in his crib, then he figured out how to stand up and cruise along the furniture in our living room! Recently at barely 7 months he has picked up some words ! He now has a vocabulary of Mamma, Hola and Hey! We are not exactly sure if Hey means Hi .. but it sounds more like Heeyy! Such a cutie he is growing up so fast!! He understands the Spanish phrases of Donde esta tu Mamma? and Donde esta tu Papa? He does know the difference of which one of us is Mamma and which is Papa? This has just happened this past couple of weeks! He understands Spanish more than English! He knows how to communicate what he wants with grunts, groans, smiles, and body language. I need to teach this beautiful baby some sign language. He is TOTALLY destructive ...
Everywhere he goes, he wants to take everything apart! He enjoys getting into anything and everything! He loves crawling to his toy box which is hidden and pulling out all of his toys one by one! He gets to the diaper bag and takes everything out of it ... He loves to chew on Mamma's purse handles every chance he gets! If we leave a magazine or piece of paper within his reach, he enjoys tearing it to shreds! We have tried keeping him to the confines of the Living Room .. but he Loves to explore and follow us around everywhere ... he is Mr. Independent and does not mind wondering off to the bathroom or the two bedrooms! We now have to keep all doors closed because HE IS FAST! He Loves to wrestle with Papa and his Uncles, and loves to climb around a pile of pillows. He loves to kiss his Mamma! Fight with Papa over the remote control. He has recently decided that he does not like eating baby food! Screams the entire time, we do not know what we are going to do because we can't feed him table food yet because he has no teeth! Well a lot has been happening since he started crawling ... It has been hard to keep up! So to break it down a little... He Crawls, Sits up on own from Lying down or crawling position, rolls over both ways, cruises along furniture, can stand up on own from any item on floor, can walk on knees in upright position, can stoop from standing position to pick up toys, Can hold his own bottle, can pick small pieces of cereal and eat it,
understands the word no! Yes all of this in such a little bit of time. My wonderful little boy, what am I am going to do with him growing up so fast!! I can just go on forever and ever! Well hopefully I will get more time to update my blog more often, but it is very difficult since he has decided he stays up till 10pm. YIKES ...he also does not sleep through the night he wakes up at least once for a feeding between 2am and 5am, then goes right back to sleep, he even decides when he wants to sleep with us or when he wants us to put him back in his crib!
I know not good sleeping habits! I would rather him sleep with us, but he likes to sleep in his crib on the warm nights! He is such a good boy! He only cries when he is hungry or sleepy or lately when Eddie and I can't understand what he is trying to tell us, but that is more of a frustrated whine instead of a cry! Ok .. that is it for now on Kamilo!
Eddie and I are doing good... still struggling on one income but we are both Thankful that I have a job and we have the ability to let Eddie stay home with Kamilo. I think it is the best thing for our little boy to have a parent home with him every day! It is worth every struggle! I am so happy and Thankful for my WONDERFUL husband! I come home from work and almost everyday the kitchen is clean, bed is made, laundry is done, and Living room vacuumed and picked up! All I have to do help make dinner! He is absolutely amazing, I have been so blessed with a wonderful husband, wonderful Step Son, and beautiful baby boy!Our Christmas and New Years was simple but blessed!
Unfortunately Alan was not with us this year, he has spent his winter vacation down in Tijuana with his Mom, we can't wait to celebrate Christmas with him when he gets home on the 18th of January! Alan is doing very well in School! He is caught up to 5th grade level and won a Good Citizen Award! The teacher talks very highly of how quickly Alan is catching up! I am so proud of him!
Posted by Leatha at 8:20 PM 0 comments
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